Shop the largest selection of items for your classic or new FIAT 124 as well as a growing selection of parts for the new FIAT 500 as well. Allison's Automotive enjoys a rich history steeped in a passion for cars. Our service shop has been a staple in the greater Los Angeles area for over 50 years since 1971.
Ken Sissom — I finished restoring (mostly) my '76 124 Spider in 2016. Tuned the new Weber carb best I could but it always seemed to run
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Regina Liebespeck — These guys are awesome. Have been taking my vehicles here for years now. Great work guaranteed.
At your local, independent AAMCO Upland, CA, we provide you with expert repair and service for your TOTAL Car Care needs! From automatic/manual transmission repair & rebuilding to clutch service and replacement, advanced computer diagnostics to identify and help fix all drivability problems - including 4X4s, fleets, and more. Complete brakes services including brake pads & rotors.
Japanes U. — Stacey is i a waist of time this place is a joke they will tell you people died to try to get there way