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Auto Repair Companies in Azusa, CA

A comprehensive list of companies in Azusa, CA offering car and auto repair, servicing and maintenance services. Read unbiased reviews and ratings from real customers and request free price estimates from local specialists.

The latest trend in car theft is stealing catalytic converters and selling them for their precious metals. Protect yourself from thieves, there is no better way than by installing a cage around your catalytic converter. When it comes to Catalyst Converts, We Dominate in Experience, Quality & Price!
Justin Mendez — I have been there twice now and both times I have had great experiences. Not only is all of the staff so friendly, but they
Raul's is a family run auto repair facility located in Azusa, CA. We supply complete auto repair services from smog checks to total engine replacement. Our shop is open 6 days a week. Our team speaks English and Spanish. Raul's Auto Repair is a family run and operated auto repair facility serving Azusa and the surrounding area since 1999. Our firm takes pride in building Customers for Life.
Veronica — After looking for a smog shop to fixed my vehicle, this place charge me only $200 repairs, Many other shops wanted to charge