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Auto Repair Companies in Santee, CA

A comprehensive list of companies in Santee, CA offering car and auto repair, servicing and maintenance services. Read unbiased reviews and ratings from real customers and request free price estimates from local specialists.

The Dyno Shop– San Diego's premier performance and repair facility for motorhomes, cars, trucks, and hot rods. The dyno Shop is family owned and has been providing expert automotive repair and tuning services for over forty years.
Richard Bryan Baker — I am the proud owner of a 1987 Toyota Van which Mark and his team have repaired and maintained since before I even bought
Horsman Automotive has been providing quality car care in Santee, Ca. since 1966. With our roots started by John and Delores Horsman as a two bay Chevron Gasoline Station, Quality service and dedication has helped us grow into the full service 10 bay facility we are today. We're proud of more than 50 years of providing auto repair service in Santee.
Richard S. — Needed a reputable shop in the area for replacing a head gasket. They took extra care and made sure everything was looking