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Auto Repair Companies in El Cerrito, CA

A comprehensive list of companies in El Cerrito, CA offering car and auto repair, servicing and maintenance services. Read unbiased reviews and ratings from real customers and request free price estimates from local specialists.

You've got a problem, or think you have a problem? Bring your car in and we'll gladly check it out for you. Whatever the problem may be, we offer you free troubleshooting and estimate with repairs. If you need specific parts, we'll order them for you. Even better, we offer free pickup and delivery to local customers, and in most cases, same-day service.
Ashley Morency — My car was towed by R&R last week after an unfortunate nail in my tire crossing the Richmond bridge. The driver, Harry, was
Call to built up an appointment today! Or use our new appointment scheduler! Our Goal is Your Peace of Mind. At Marty's Motors you can rely on our friendly, honest, professional team to assist you make intelligent decisions about your vehicle. This will save you money and time as well as reduce the stress of auto service.
Jessica Lassalle — Todd is the best. I got the exact car I wanted. He was fast and I had my new car the next day. My daughter also went to Todd