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Auto Repair Companies in Downey, CA

A comprehensive list of companies in Downey, CA offering car and auto repair, servicing and maintenance services. Read unbiased reviews and ratings from real customers and request free price estimates from local specialists.

Westwerk is a progressively high-tech, fully equipped service facility. Personalized care for you and your automobile is what makes Westwerk so unique. We pride ourselves on our integrity, flexibility, and understanding of each client's specific needs. From the moment you first set foot in Westwerk, you'll know why you brought your automobile to us.
Chip — Brought my Audi A4 B8 here for suspension diagnosis pre-pandemic and they said some parts would need replacing later down
This shop is outstanding it is full of amazing people who do such incredible work. I wouldn't hesitate to send anyone here that needs work done. They are absolutely incredible there is nothing at all they can do to improve the shop they are 100% above and beyond. Both the ignition coil and spark plug are parts of your car's ignition, and each has a distinct function. It pays to know the differences
Jennifer J. — I had a accident back in January they had my truck for sometime which I get. But what I don't get is that they could