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Organic Mechanic The Organic Mechanic is working to develop a new, more conscientious mindset in the automotive repair industry in Asheville. Not only are we striving to comply with all suggested EPA standards, but we are actively pursuing new and innovative shop procedures that challenge the status quo. We seek out new products that exceed the "standard" and look to the future of car repair.

Reducing our impact on the environment is a top priority. It's clear that we can't keep following our current road. Maybe one day all mechanics will be just a little bit more organic.
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We are often asked if we only provide "greening" services, or if we only work with bio-diesel. The best way to minimize more serious breakdowns and the higher costs associated with automotive repair is by doing routine maintenance. Preventive vehicle maintenance is simply what the manufacturer of your vehicle suggests getting done to keep your vehicle going.
Plan to do a number of errands in one trip rather than several trips and save both time and fuel. Avoid peak-hour traffic, hard accelerating and heavy braking as they all waste fuel. Driving smoothly and avoiding stop-start traffic saves fuel and up to 30 percent of greenhouse emissions. Change up through the gears and into top gear as soon as possible without accelerating harder than necessary.
Here at The Organic Mechanic we care for the environment, that's why when we built our current facility we went the extra mile. One of the major contributors to pollution these days is automotive repair shops. When it rains the oil and chemicals that build up (on the ground) over time due to routine maintenance, etc. ends up getting washed into the storm drains and other areas.
A popular question due to the seemingly contradictory nature of the two words, most folks consider automotive repair to be a hopelessly dirty business. We disagree. We believe change requires effort. We believe that effort can be positive no matter how insignificant it may seem. It is in that spirit that we develop shop policy to improve upon standard clean-up procedures and waste stream management issues that face the automotive repair industry. Being green is a process, not a destination. We have our used oil filters recycled.
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