Environmental Automotive Service was set up in 1994 to supply consumers with a trustworthy and reliable source for regular service and maintenance for their cars and light trucks. Our modern facility occupies six bays in Millersville, Maryland convenient to Routes 97 and 32.
Julie Sullivan — My car runs like new! It feels powerful and zippy since EAS replaced the turbo and tuned it up. Very pleased with the result
Auto Repairs & Services. ASE Certified for Diagnosis, Oil Changes, Tires, Battery, Wheel Alignment, Maintenance Service, Engine, Transmission, Brakes, Tune up, Electrical, Air Conditioning, Water pumps, Belts, Hoses, Radiator, Alternator, Starter, Shocks, Suspension, Timing Belts, Fuel Injection, Exhaust, Maryland State Inspection, all other General Repairs. Servicing Import and Domestic Cars and
Tyler P. Wright -Dpscs — First time customer. Appointment was handled quickly. Appreciate the ease of everything and the friendly atmosphere. Family