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Auto Repair Companies in Katy, TX

A comprehensive list of companies in Katy, TX offering car and auto repair, servicing and maintenance services. Read unbiased reviews and ratings from real customers and request free price estimates from local specialists.

Mission Car Care is being celebrated as a CARFAX Top-Rated Service Shop based on verified reviews from actual customers. The exclusive list of service shops being recognized in the inaugural CARFAX Top-Rated Service Shops received an average of 4.77 stars out of five on CARFAX Car Care (formerly myCARFAX).
Boni Truax — Always excellent service and quality work. We have been loyal customers for 7 years and they always go above and beyond for
Jimmy's CarSport technicians are considerate and courteous, providing sophisticated, professional, and highly technical repair & maintenance services. CarSport technicians are experienced in all foreign and domestic automotive repair, using state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment. We take pride in our service and in our customers.
James Tramel — Doesn't happen in most shops, but in this one they were helpful, friendly, courteous and service didn't come with a jar of