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Auto Repair Companies in Harrisburg, PA

A comprehensive list of companies in Harrisburg, PA offering car and auto repair, servicing and maintenance services. Read unbiased reviews and ratings from real customers and request free price estimates from local specialists.

We're conveniently situated at 3715 Derry Street in Harrisburg, PA, and have been faithfully servicing the greater Harrisburg Area for ten years. We service ALL makes and models, domestics and imports, with quality service, the latest technology, and the equipment needed to repair today's vehicles.
Isabel Frey — I was a lil confused where to take my car to, many different recommendations from different people and I called Dale's and
We've been delivering best quality repair services to the Central Pennsylvania area for nearly fifty years. We hope that the next time your family car, firm vehicle, or recreational vehicle is in need of service or repairs that you will consider us to get you on the road again with a smile.
Bob Lower — Great place with great employees. We broke down on 322 west with no power. When we pulled off the road as far as possible